News for University Housing staff
Welcome to the Redesigned Housing Highlights!
Notice anything new? We've updated the design of Housing Highlights! It's the same newsletter you're used to seeing every-other Wednesday, just with a different look and feel. We hope you enjoy!
Last Day to Sign Up for Gutterball
If you're interested in attending Housing's 47th annual Gutterball event, today is the last day to register and submit your payment! If you don't have a team, don't worry! We'll find one for you. See you at Schwoegler Park Towne Lanes on May 24th!
Technology Updates in Meeting and Conference Rooms
Have you seen the technology upgrades in our conference rooms, classrooms, and meeting rooms? Hybrid Technology Room Kits are now installed in both Ogg classrooms and the Dejope, Slichter, and UA conference rooms. The Symphony Room in Gordon will also be receiving new technology this week! With this new technology, you can join Zoom, Webex, Teams, and Google Meetings, and each room has integrated cameras, speakers, and microphones to make the hybrid experience more successful. Look for a tablet located in each room to set up and control your meeting. Updated instructions are in each room, and shortly, you will be able to find videos for each location on the Residential Operations SharePoint site. Training materials will be posted both on SharePoint and in each room.
HR News
Check Your Route: New Metro Transit Routes, Stops, Schedules Start June 11
After two years of planning and community feedback, a completely new system of bus routes, stops, and schedules will start Sunday, June 11. Check your route planning resources to see how bus commutes may be impacted in the new system. Visit the Transportation Services website for more information, including a list of routes that will serve stops on or near campus.
Resources for Parking, Buses, and Transportation for 2023–24
Last week, UW–Madison Transportation Services opened applications for parking permits for 2023–24. Check out resources about parking and permits, in addition to bus routes and transportation information for getting to campus.
A Refresh for Jobs at UW
UW–Madison recently refreshed the Jobs at UW website for a more interactive and informative experience for job seekers. The site has a new look and now includes expanded pages for food service and custodial opportunities that highlights the unique benefits of these positions on campus. There is also a robust UW–Madison LinkedIn page focusing on what working at UW is like, in addition to an interactive page allowing viewers to explore the City of Madison in all seasons. Take a look at these updated pages, and, don’t forget, you could earn a referral bonus for each career staff member that’s hired to work in University Housing and your referrals may be eligible for a hiring bonus!
An End to Laundry Alert
Laundry Alert, a system for students in the residence halls to check the availability of laundry machines in their building, has ended its service as of April 1. After reviewing resident feedback, we are not looking to replace Laundry Alert with a new system at this time.