More than 92% of Residents Plan to be Vaccinated
As UW–Madison prepares to welcome students in late August, a survey of incoming residence hall students finds 92.5 percent of respondents say they plan to be fully vaccinated by the start of classes. Another 3.2 percent say they plan to get vaccinated after they arrive on campus.
Upload Your COVID-19 Vaccine Record to MyUHS
Campus needs your help to understand vaccination rates among our campus community. Employees who were vaccinated off campus—including by a UW Health provider or at a UW Health Clinic—should upload vaccine records to MyUHS. By compiling campus vaccination levels, we’ll be better positioned to target vaccine education and outreach campaigns and work towards a safer fall semester.
Dinner by Dining: Baked Mediterranean Tilapia
Housing Dining’s Dinner by Dining hot meal for July 21 features baked Mediterranean tilapia! In addition to the main course, you'll also get caeser salad, apple and mint quinoa, ratatouille, and you can add on a tropical fruit bar. Orders close on Monday, July 19, so don't miss out!
What's Happening in HR?
Check out the latest updates from Human Resources, including processing performance reviews, end of fiscal year leave time, and the campus transition to a single bi-weekly pay cycle.
Tuition Reimbursement and Professional Development Opportunities are Back!
Employees who are considering or who have already made a commitment to an educational program may seek reimbursement for tuition costs associated with the classes related either to their existing position, or in some cases, promotional opportunities. Employees may now also apply to attend job-related coursework and training programs, credit and noncredit, including workshops, conferences, and seminars that have associated costs.
Annual CSA/Title IX Responsible Employee Training in August
For those considered "responsible employees," annual CSA and Responsible Employee Training takes place in the month of August. Under the Clery Act, certain staff, faculty, and student employees have mandated reporting obligations. These individuals, called "Campus Security Authorities” (CSAs), are required to forward statistical reports of crimes to designated offices on campus.
Get to Know Housing Staff: Dan Smith
Get to know fellow staff and learn more about what they do! This week's profile features Dan Smith, who is a Painter in Residence Hall Facilities.
Summer 2021 Campus Appreciation Events
To express appreciation for all that UW-Madison staff have done, campus has organized three events for faculty, staff and graduate student employees and celebrate a full campus reopening this fall.
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